I dont make a habit of writing reviews on apps that I buy, but I had to put my two cents in on this one. Its fantastic. Ive used many binaural programs in the past, including the other offering from this developer, with very limited success. I tried this last night, and I was blown away by how effective it was! Within 20 minutes I was experiencing feelings that Id never experienced before. I was seeing images in my minds eye, and I very nearly attained the vibrational state (prior to OBE). I am very impressed! The developer seems to have timed every change in the beat so that your brain follows right along with it.
A note to people who think this doesnt work, and to those thinking of purchasing this app:
Dont expect immediate OBEs from this app alone. Its a great tool to get your mind in the right frame in order to have an OBE, but you still need to use OBE exit techniques. Also, when the images and strange feelings come, passively observe. Dont try to force anything to happen, because it wont. Let things be what they are and enjoy the ride this app helps create. Its truly fantastic!
Sgaske about
Binaural Beats: Out Of Body Experience I - Astral Projection